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This is Meng Ying's grandfather's tea forest, planted more than 50 years ago on a wild mountain near their home village, Xiao Yan (Little Leaf). We traveled there two years ago and slowly recuperated the old tea trees, which were and are still growing very wild, pruning them and cleaning the branches without alterating their primitive beauty. A local senior tea maker, and most affable man, Master Ye Guang Lian, helped us to refine this tea in a mild, very natural, flower-scented, forest-nuanced red tea which is suggested for both experts and beginners. It is at the same time refreshing and soothing, and it can be infused many times. Best steeped in Fujian (Dehua) Baici Tea pots. Water temperature: 100°C. Infusion time: 1 to 6 seconds. 

Xiao Yan Village Wild Red Tea from Youxi, Fujian Province.

25 Grams
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